Metaverse for
Fashion & Lifestyle

Come and join our community. From IAESIR to the World.

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*Coming Soon


Step into Pariz

The Fashion and Lifestyle Metaverse, where multichain experiences redefine shopping and collaboration. Dive into immersive events from games to concerts, sports broadcasts, and cultural exchanges. Join us for the ultimate lifestyle journey.


Access multiple staking pools for high APRs with Trace token. Engage in dynamic events like games, concerts, and cultural exchanges for a vibrant community experience.


Empower Web3 native AVATARs with human-like realism, seamlessly adaptable to various Metaverses. Join us for thrilling events: games, concerts, sports, and cultural exchanges, redefining virtual experiences.

Metaverse Space

Empower your business with a full tech stack for launching Metaverse experiences, whether standalone or integrated with Pariz. Dive into our lively events: games, concerts, sports broadcasts, and cultural exchanges, shaping the future of virtual engagement.


IAsgard, the kingdom of IAESIR, is the place where all users of the community converge. Here you can interact with other users in real time and participate together in events and conventions.

Our doors are always open to those who want to explore the endless possibilities offered by our facilities.

IAsgard will provide facilities for those who want to use the place for their own projects. Likewise, those of you looking to learn more about blockchain and its possibilities can attend forums and conventions on the subject.For those who like to party, we will organise dynamic events such as games, concerts, sports broadcasts and cultural exchanges.

Stay ahead of the curve by joining our Telegram community.

Our dedicated support team is available round the clock to assist with any inquiries you may have. Join us today for unparalleled support and insights.
